Winter 2016 – Where are you now?

WOOOOOWW!! Helloooooooooo,

It has been a while since my last post! Let me update you on where I am currently in this stage of my life.

I am 22 years old now, graduated with a 2:1 in September 2016. Currently doing my masters in Real Estate in London. I must say it is ten times worse than my undergraduate degree. You literally have limited help which is very hard if you know nothing about the industry. However I will explain my masters in the next post…

I want to start blogging again but using video, however I am not very photogenic but will try to do video since I find it easier.

It feels good to be back!


3rd Year – Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,


I hope you have all had a lovely peaceful break!

I know I said I was going to be doing videos now but today is just a one off as I do not have my camera with me at the moment, so the next post shall be a video!

The Update: So far I have two assignments to do over the holidays which has not been going so well, due to me entertaining family members that have been visiting me. However I have started my assignments, I do understand what I need to do within my assignments, it’s just about prioritising it and getting it done!

Other than that I have been really relaxed and positive this year and trying to not stress out about this being my last year at University and applying for my masters. (I will discuss my masters in the next post)

For this new year my resolution is to have positive thoughts and to not worry about nothing!

What is your New Resolution? Do something different that you have never done before, things will change in your life once you come out of your shell.


Take Care!

J.Success x

2016Image from :

SUMMER 2015 – End of internship

Good Evening all,

Hope you are well!

I have finally finished my internship and I must say it was an amazing experience and I have learnt so much educationally and sociably. My last day was amazing my manager helped me write a list of things I did to add to my CV. (I did not ask for this, I don’t think you should ask – just do it yourself) I recommend keeping a log of what you did – I wish I did but I did not have much time to do so.

Another thing I will recommend is to update your Linkedin Profile regularly in order to remember what you did at your internship and to get recommendations from your employer on Linkedin which I think is so good because they are recommending to other employers and you are worthy of there company.

I am keeping today’s post short and simple as always – I have my work 7am tomorrow morning and must get some sleep, fairly knackered as I have been doing 7 days a week.

Take care all
J.Success x

Fusion Cake

SUMMER 2015 – Seven days a week?

Helllooo there!

Hope you are well and enjoying the weather!

I have finally found an internship, I started on 9th June it has been going so well and is very busy. I work with a well-known Gym company, within the Marketing department! I must tell you it is fun and it is not your typical 9-5 job, you are not always in the office, we visit some of the sites we own and work from there. Even if we are in the office it is fun and a good vibe, I love their culture and working environment, I am so glad I got accepted to be there Marketing assistant.
My advice for when looking for an internship is ask the interviewer about the working environment and culture and make sure you are happy with what they have told you. My second advice will be to make sure you have work to do offer your help to your colleagues don’t sit around and stare into space that is not what an internship is about, you must learn something from your internship and gain an insight of the industry you want to be in.

Other than my internship my 2nd year grades will be published on 7th July finger crossed I get a 2:1, I think I got a 2:1 because I know how to calculate my grades but you just never know what the world can give you at times.
As usual I am always busy I actually still have my weekend job therefore I am working seven days a week. Today I had to call in sick because my body is just too weak and I have a slight cold, I do not regret calling in sick because it is so needed and I don’t want to kill myself because of work!
Don’t forget to feel free to ask me questions!

Lots of Love,

J.Success x

2nd year – Did I tell you?

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the late post, I have been extremely busy as usual! Did I tell you about my trip to the Netherlands? It was amazing met some great people and learned how to deal with immaturity at the same time. This trip taught me how to adjust myself to a different environment and different people. Overall it was such a great experience and it was FREE!

Another thing I want to share was my page in my university prospectus, I was grateful that I was able to be featured within my university prospectus as I always say take every opportunity you can!
Juliana 2016

I have been attending showcases to encourage me and learn the ins and outs of applying for internships, it has been an amazing experience, and I am beginning to become more confident in approaching people, I even got a selfie with Simon Buckby the Chief Executive of Champollion!
Creative Access.

I am going to try and be updating more regularly, but for now bare with me as I am looking for a compulsory internship for my PR course and have 3 long essays to complete.

Please bare with me guys!

Take Care

Love J.Success x

2nd Year – What is it ? Dyslexia maybe ? or just lazy?

Hellooo Everyone,

I am in a much better place now and hope you are all well.

Some may say I overreacted regarding my result (2:2) but when you are so dedicated and driven you do get upset of the littlest things.

However I have never mentioned this before but I have been delaying getting tested for dyslexia, a few of my lectures have mentioned I should go ahead and get tested because they see it in my work, but I wasn’t to fussed about getting tested. I thought I was just a lazy reader. Now I see that it is actually effecting me, therefore I am going through the process of being tested for dyslexia. I do not think dyslexia as a negative thing at all, lots of intelligent people have dyslexia and does not effect your level of intelligence.

Although there are different types of dyslexia, people ignore the symptoms of dyslexia (i.e. me) but I think it is important to get tested in order to get help asap (If you think your struggling with writing coursework, I recommend to get tested, and check out on what the symptoms are).

For more information on dyslexia visit :

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Take care everyone!
Love Lots
Juliana Success x

2nd Year – Second Year, Second thoughts?

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all well.

This morning I woke up and did my usual routine, and decided to look at my results for one of my modules….

*Dramatic Music*…

I got a 2:2 for it! I was so disappointed and devastated, I didn’t expect a 1st and I didn’t expect lower than a 2:1. I just kept crying this morning and was so demotivated and just wanted to forget and quit university. Reason being is this week I have been getting back all my results and just feel like there is no point of carrying on university if I am not getting the best grades. I will basically have to pay back £27,000 once I finish. To be honest I am thinking if I do not get the best results what is the point of carrying on. I might as well stop wasting money and just start working or do an apprenticeship because I would not be wasting money and will actually be getting paid for what I will be doing and just make my way to the top. After talking to my cousin and a few of my peers, they did encourage me to not let a grade get to me, but it is not just a grade its GRADES, its more than one grade that I have been disappointed with. I actually do not know what to this at the moment with my life.

I am sorry this is not a positive post.


Take Care. Juliana.

2nd Year – Are you serious? However Happy New Year

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year!! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and filled your stomachs with good food!

Coming into the new year I have been very positive regardless of what I have been going through in terms of coursework.

I had one extremely hard coursework that me and my other peers did not understand at all, although we did get help a month beforehand we still did not get it.
However I did manage to hand it in, but it was on of the most dreadful pieces of coursework I have handed in! However I had to ask myself “Are you serious?” because we had more than enough time to do the coursework but because it was given to us before we broke up for Christmas holidays majority of us ended up procasinating which I strongly regret doing.
Due to the fact I could have gotten more help but because I left it last minute it was on of the worst pieces I have written in my life. I strongly do not advise leaving coursework you especially don’t understand last minute!

Other than that dreadful experience everything has been going well, I have been extremely busy and feeling the real 2nd year pressure now as I have so many deadlines and so little time to do everything. Although I am good at pirotizing my time, unexpected situations do occurs which means I do have to change my plans and delay other things I have to do. One thing I have definitely learnt is really not to procrastinate to the extent of leaving your coursework 2 days to do it.
Procas Image from:

Hope you guys don’t make the same mistake I do!

Take Care!!

2nd Year – Plan well in advance

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are well and enjoying the Christmas Season.

I am finally on holiday and back in London. In order for me to enjoy this holiday I have planned to complete my coursework’s within a certain time frame, so that I can relax and go into the new year without worrying about assignments. I think it is good to plan in advance what assignments you want to do before the holidays, in order to have less assignments during the holidays and not leaving it last minute.

Other than my assignments as I did mention before I am planning to move out of my current accommodation. I am still reconsidering moving back to London but my mum says I should just finish off my 2nd year within that accommodation and for 3rd year move back to London completely, which does sound like a good idea but the main question is can I survive for that long? Four months with people that are not so clean. I think I am going to take my mum advice and just corporate with them and stay till the end.

Hope everyone has a lovely Holiday and make sure you relax and try do something different this holiday e.g. boat ride, bus tours around London, Business events etc.

J.Success x

2nd Year – Losing the plot!

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all keeping warm!

I am nearly at the end of the 1st term and I am feeling like I’m literally losing the plot! I do have a lot of coursework but I feel more pressured this year because it counts towards my overall result.

Not only am I feeling pressured because of the coursework but peers around me. This is when people start to get close to you and start asking to see your work or help them. This actually happened to me the other day with a peer and I just didn’t know how to say no. She asked to take a picture of my work since she forgot how to write an report, so she took the picture and said she will delete it before she leaves, which she did. However I believe she did delete it but I would never know if she had sent it to her email. This situation has now made me change certain aspects within my coursework, because I am not 100% sure if she deleted the picture.

I have learnt my lesson from this situation because I do not want to be changing my coursework every time someone decides to take a picture of it. I am not saying we shouldn’t help each other but it shouldn’t go to the extent of taking a picture of each others work but we should verbally help them.

Moral of this situation is to help each other and know when to say No, Sorry I can’t do that.

Take Care Everyone!

J.Success x