Winter 2016 – Where are you now?

WOOOOOWW!! Helloooooooooo,

It has been a while since my last post! Let me update you on where I am currently in this stage of my life.

I am 22 years old now, graduated with a 2:1 in September 2016. Currently doing my masters in Real Estate in London. I must say it is ten times worse than my undergraduate degree. You literally have limited help which is very hard if you know nothing about the industry. However I will explain my masters in the next post…

I want to start blogging again but using video, however I am not very photogenic but will try to do video since I find it easier.

It feels good to be back!


3rd Year – Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,


I hope you have all had a lovely peaceful break!

I know I said I was going to be doing videos now but today is just a one off as I do not have my camera with me at the moment, so the next post shall be a video!

The Update: So far I have two assignments to do over the holidays which has not been going so well, due to me entertaining family members that have been visiting me. However I have started my assignments, I do understand what I need to do within my assignments, it’s just about prioritising it and getting it done!

Other than that I have been really relaxed and positive this year and trying to not stress out about this being my last year at University and applying for my masters. (I will discuss my masters in the next post)

For this new year my resolution is to have positive thoughts and to not worry about nothing!

What is your New Resolution? Do something different that you have never done before, things will change in your life once you come out of your shell.


Take Care!

J.Success x

2016Image from :


3rd Year – Back from Dubai and 3rd Year is here !

Evening all,

Hope you are well!

Yes! It has been a while since I have written a post, please forgive me.

I am finally back at university feeling new and refreshed (especially after visiting Dubai which was really FUN!) I started university last week and I must admit I did miss it and is happy to be back and finish off my degree.

Coming back for 3rd year I do not feel fully prepared and organised since there was trouble with my timetable as I changed a module and was a bit indecisive and changed it back to the original module.

Did I mention I am commuting from London to Canterbury this year?

So far it has been decent (despite one journey where my coach stopped on the hard shoulder due to petrol leak) however it has been really cheap for me to go in 3 times a week, roughly around £30 a week. I do make sure I am at least an hour early to university and go to the library to make sure I am fully prepared for the lectures.

This is my final year and I am ready for the trials and tribulations!

Feel free to comment and ask me questions 🙂
Dubai 1Dubai 2

Dubai 3

Take care,

J.Success x

SUMMER 2015 – End of internship

Good Evening all,

Hope you are well!

I have finally finished my internship and I must say it was an amazing experience and I have learnt so much educationally and sociably. My last day was amazing my manager helped me write a list of things I did to add to my CV. (I did not ask for this, I don’t think you should ask – just do it yourself) I recommend keeping a log of what you did – I wish I did but I did not have much time to do so.

Another thing I will recommend is to update your Linkedin Profile regularly in order to remember what you did at your internship and to get recommendations from your employer on Linkedin which I think is so good because they are recommending to other employers and you are worthy of there company.

I am keeping today’s post short and simple as always – I have my work 7am tomorrow morning and must get some sleep, fairly knackered as I have been doing 7 days a week.

Take care all
J.Success x

Fusion Cake

SUMMER 2015 – Holiday whilst on placement?

Hey All,

It’s been a busy week for me it was my big sisters wedding this weekend and it was amazing!

One thing I thought I will discuss today is asking for holiday within your placement… I don’t really like asking for holiday especially if it is placement because the whole point of it is to get as much experience as possible, this is why we have to be very organised and know what holiday you have already planned during your internship to tell them in advance so they know you will not be in on certain days… with this being said my personal opinion is if you are doing a three month internship I would not take more than two weeks off at one go just in case you miss anything special that may have happen within the business… However if you have booked a 2-3 weeks holiday off in advance there is nothing you can do about it just enjoy your holiday to the fullest and come back to work sober 🙂

However if you can control your holiday bear in mind that you want to get the most out of your experience!

Just thought I would do a quick update before I forget what I wanted to discuss with you today! 🙂

Enjoy your bank Holiday 🙂 🙂


Take Care

J.Success x

SUMMER 2015 – Twenty One !

Hey Guys,

Hope you are all well!!!!

I am finally twenty-one years old! I slightly feel older and a bit more mature 😦 Time is not on my side anymore I need to get my life started!

I am still doing my internship I will be leaving on Wednesday 9th September 😦 I have really enjoyed it so much, I have managed to learn so much within the 3 months. I recently worked on this website: I gathered and uploaded content for this wondeful website. I just love the concept of the website! It is for kids to find places to go during weekends and holiday seasons.

I am definitely going to keep in touch with the lovely people I have met during my time here! It is all about building your connections, you never know when they will need you or you will need them especially if they are lovely people.

If you leave a good impression within your internship/ work experience they may even take you back after university!

I think it is really important to keep a track of what you have learned during your work experience/ internship in order to add to your CV/resumes as it will definitely come in handy when applying for jobs in the future to show you know how to do your job you have had the experience you need, which is a bonus point! Make sure you keep a record of everything you have learnt!


Take care all

J.Success x

SUMMER 2015 – How you coping at work?

Hi all,

Hope you are all well and enjoying your summer holidays!

I hardly have anytime to myself as I am doing 7 days a week, but all is well and trying to balance my life. Although I am quite excited for August to come as it is my birthday Friday 14th August and will be celebrating it slightly big.

However I wanted to discuss my placement/internship today as I think there are certain things you should know…

Number 1
Business etiquette – Manners and knowing how to behave within the workplace, this is so important as this shows employers who are and are they able to work with you?

Number 2
Background/History of business – I think this is also important as you don’t want to go into a company you don’t know nothing about, also finding out the history gives you heads up of what you may be asked to do. i.e. I work with Leisure centres in the marketing department therefore I need to know health and fitness terminology.

Number 3
Confidence – Don’t act shy and hardly talk, make conversations about appropriate topics it shows you are confident and social which is really in good, therefore you would not have awkward moments at lunch and no-one is talking to you- MAKE CONVO!

Number 4
Network/Keep in touch – Keep in touch with people you meet, they can help you in the future or you can help them, or even a reference for a future job.

Number 5
Ask questions – If you need help or is stuck on something make sure you ask and don’t leave it or make it up as this can either get you in trouble or you just look lazy!

Number 6
Presentation – Present yourself smart, I am talking about clothes what you wear, depending on the job and if you have uniform. Find out how others dress if it is smart or casual. This is important as you don’t want to give the wrong impression as we do “judge” people by what they wear.

Marketing Inter

If you have anymore suggestions I can add to the list please tell me, that is all I can think of for now, I may add more in my next post. 🙂

Take care

J.Success x

SUMMER 2015 – Seven days a week?

Helllooo there!

Hope you are well and enjoying the weather!

I have finally found an internship, I started on 9th June it has been going so well and is very busy. I work with a well-known Gym company, within the Marketing department! I must tell you it is fun and it is not your typical 9-5 job, you are not always in the office, we visit some of the sites we own and work from there. Even if we are in the office it is fun and a good vibe, I love their culture and working environment, I am so glad I got accepted to be there Marketing assistant.
My advice for when looking for an internship is ask the interviewer about the working environment and culture and make sure you are happy with what they have told you. My second advice will be to make sure you have work to do offer your help to your colleagues don’t sit around and stare into space that is not what an internship is about, you must learn something from your internship and gain an insight of the industry you want to be in.

Other than my internship my 2nd year grades will be published on 7th July finger crossed I get a 2:1, I think I got a 2:1 because I know how to calculate my grades but you just never know what the world can give you at times.
As usual I am always busy I actually still have my weekend job therefore I am working seven days a week. Today I had to call in sick because my body is just too weak and I have a slight cold, I do not regret calling in sick because it is so needed and I don’t want to kill myself because of work!
Don’t forget to feel free to ask me questions!

Lots of Love,

J.Success x

2nd Year – FINISHED!

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all very well!

First of all I would like to apologise for abandoning my educational diary, as I have been “stressed” due to still not finding an internship and being ill with hayfever and a cold at the same time.

However I received my last module result two days ago and have calculated overall for 2nd Year result is 2:1 which is fairly good and could have been worse, I am proud but know I can do better and have one more year to prove to myself I can do anything I want to if I put my mind to it and stay positive throughout.

I am finally back to London I have actually been here now for over a month and just really been working my part-time retail job, and helping my sister with her new son (YAY I got a nephew) and not to forget to mention looking for internships! At some point I did want to give up and stop searching because I have been declined at least 5 times so far and it was because I was not experienced enough or they do not have positions available for me, which is just depressing and de-motivating but knowing me I will be upset for 5 minutes and get back searching because I know I will get an internship, I just got to keep applying and be patient!

Hope you all are staying positive during your educational journey or life in general as life is too short to be upset, and make your time on earth worth it!

Till next time! (Hopefully it will be not too long)

Take Care.

J.Success x