3rd Year – Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,


I hope you have all had a lovely peaceful break!

I know I said I was going to be doing videos now but today is just a one off as I do not have my camera with me at the moment, so the next post shall be a video!

The Update: So far I have two assignments to do over the holidays which has not been going so well, due to me entertaining family members that have been visiting me. However I have started my assignments, I do understand what I need to do within my assignments, it’s just about prioritising it and getting it done!

Other than that I have been really relaxed and positive this year and trying to not stress out about this being my last year at University and applying for my masters. (I will discuss my masters in the next post)

For this new year my resolution is to have positive thoughts and to not worry about nothing!

What is your New Resolution? Do something different that you have never done before, things will change in your life once you come out of your shell.


Take Care!

J.Success x

2016Image from : http://goo.gl/r7Z9G2

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