SUMMER 2015 – Seven days a week?

Helllooo there!

Hope you are well and enjoying the weather!

I have finally found an internship, I started on 9th June it has been going so well and is very busy. I work with a well-known Gym company, within the Marketing department! I must tell you it is fun and it is not your typical 9-5 job, you are not always in the office, we visit some of the sites we own and work from there. Even if we are in the office it is fun and a good vibe, I love their culture and working environment, I am so glad I got accepted to be there Marketing assistant.
My advice for when looking for an internship is ask the interviewer about the working environment and culture and make sure you are happy with what they have told you. My second advice will be to make sure you have work to do offer your help to your colleagues don’t sit around and stare into space that is not what an internship is about, you must learn something from your internship and gain an insight of the industry you want to be in.

Other than my internship my 2nd year grades will be published on 7th July finger crossed I get a 2:1, I think I got a 2:1 because I know how to calculate my grades but you just never know what the world can give you at times.
As usual I am always busy I actually still have my weekend job therefore I am working seven days a week. Today I had to call in sick because my body is just too weak and I have a slight cold, I do not regret calling in sick because it is so needed and I don’t want to kill myself because of work!
Don’t forget to feel free to ask me questions!

Lots of Love,

J.Success x

1st Year – You going to get an Internship?

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are well! So far so good.

I have not really been revising as much as I should be. I am not going to give any excuses but its due to laziness, although I should be revising intensely due to the fact what I will be tested on is not easy, however I will get back on track and revise.

No more coursework to do! Just 2 exams left and then my summer holiday begins, but the hard work doesn’t end just yet.
I still need to find a job or an internship to do during the summer in order to gain experience within the media industry. Moreover it is not easy finding a job or an internship for summer therefore I have been using various websites to find an internship such as , , , or even I think these websites are mainly for students.

It is really important to gain experience within the industry you are going for.
Last year on BBC News it was stated that “So many people get degrees, you have to stand out. And now 61% of graduates end up working for the company they have interned for. It’s how it works now.” (BBC News, Lindsay Baker, 2013)
I personally agree with this statement based on family members that have finished university and have said “All employers really want is experience, it is becoming more important than the results you gain from the degree”.

Therefore I think as students we should try and do at least an internship every year during the holidays or even during university (part-time) in order to have a higher chance of being employed and to understand the industry you are going for.

Take Care everyone! Do not be afraid to comment and state your opinions.

(Image of me in a Canary Wharf Magazine, I did an Internship at Canary Wharf PLC in 2012, bottom left)

1st year – Not the 1st Break down

Being in University is not easy. I don’t have many friends in uni, or people I classify as friends, just classmates that I talk to within university.  

In my class it is “everyman for themselves” (meaning they only care for themselves), and it is very open and clear that my class is competitive, it is not a nice feeling when people start to be greedy when it comes to work (but I guess that is life, you just have to join in and protect your work – not to the extent where you don’t help others, but be fair with the amount of help you give them).

I had a seminar today and within the seminar I had a little breakdown (I wasn’t crying or anything dramatic). Reason being is that the work is just getting to much for me. I decided to talk to my lecturer about my situation, and the overload of work, she said it is perfectly “normal” what I am going through and that I need to focus more on time management. Although I am organised to an extent already, I just need to keep focused and not drift into negative thoughts, which is what I constantly do. She gave me an idea of using sticky notes and putting positives words on them and stick them on my wall and write my goals, this will motive me every day to get up and do what needs to be done.

Advice for today:

Stay calm when work is being thrown at you (not literally – overload of work), think positive, think of what you want by the end of the year and aim for that goal with your head high.

Instead of moaning about what you have to do, just get it over and done with. Do not be afraid to ask for help that is what the university lecturers and support team is there for, make you money worth it!

Take Care everyone! Do not be afraid to comment and state your opinions. 

Team Leader photo by jscreationzs